CRank: 5Score: 93530

I’m 100% positive they are going to shit the bed and disappoint in ways we just can’t imagine at this time. Look at the Gamepass profits and look at what it costs to actually produce a AAA…. How they position and drag on games releases because Xbox no longer has software sales as a driving factor on their AAAs returns remains to be seen.

They can’t go to crazy or else shareholders will see it as one huge expense where even marketing budgets have to be limited because the b...

522d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I thank them for creating the superior PC version.

548d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Landing a deal for gamepass is worth more than the actual software the game can sell on Xbox consoles. It’s the out needed that makes one platform that needs 2 optimized versions worthwhile. However it goes I bet it’s only after they get sales elsewhere. This is an anticipated title so they are either eager for a big check to land a day and date deal or a payout that will pay more than Xbox gamers could do on their own after release and initial sales.

640d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If they weren’t trying to optimize 5 different platforms for a day and date release across an “ecosystem” that promotes subs over sales you’d probably have these things in the game. Unfortunately Xbox first party no longer has the luxury to make games for their latest platform.. they’ll be carrying 4TF into 2030 and it’s all thanks to Xbox gamers dickriding a service and S models Instead of asking for quality OnlyOnXbox games.

643d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

Console gaming needs to return to what it is. Targeting the latest hardware exclusively. Xbox is out of the game with that bullshit Series S. They can’t release anything without carrying a split development process and limiting vision of what the new hardware can actually do.

Sony is staring to sip a little bit of the poison but I have no doubt’s insomniacs next ps5 only game will tailored to do things only a ps5 or high end pc can accomplish and THATS what it should always...

732d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I bet it would be ready if they didn’t have to make a Series S version.

751d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

It’s the deathknell for progressive gaming. When these corpos begin to only care about what they can produce for subscribers and their low end devices made to lure subscribers it’s an immediate decline to any vision that would only exist with the sole utilization of the latest hardware. Which happens to be a quality to some of the greatest games of all time.

Console gaming and services will destroy the greatness due to greed and the false belief it is good for gaming.

776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let the last gen die. Start showing us the games that wouldn’t otherwise work without an SSD and rdna2 architecture.

That is what console gaming is about. It takes the consoles receiving SSDs before games start utilizing it.. PCs have had them a while but no one had the balls to make anything an ass hat still using a HDD couldn’t play.

The same logic applies.. trying to make everyone happy limits the scope of games.

Trying to squeeze ...

777d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wouldn’t need to look like incompetent dolts If they were a first party developer that wasn’t developing for 5 Xbox skus, low-high range gaming PCs all to drop day and date on a service.

Gamepass’ existence has already set in motion the real drawback. 1st party developers bound to multi platform development processes so the games either take forever to make or share no resemblance of a game that took time and effort.. UNLESS you’re on the 5th installment of a god damn open...

781d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Definitely. They’ve crafted a great game that looks and feels great mostly in part to them only focusing on Ps5 hardware. When it’s ported to PC later down the line it will probably move 2mil units day one at $30. Already having served it’s purpose for initial PS appeal and meeting the high quality/time ratio due to the inevitable benefit of focusing on one platform they are set up greatness.

Sony needs to keep that kind of rotation tor games. Always singularly target the...

784d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It’s beautiful. I just wish max sensitivity was a little bit faster.

1079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just like many other features AMD has pieced together in cooperation with Microsoft the Ps5 can technically use the tech but in a game of attrition simply can’t. DX12xAMD features baked into kits just aren’t going to pop up on PlayStation overnight without them developing their own rendition for their consoles api. Sony has a list of things they need to fix first with the console.. like expandable storage.

As much as we’d like the Ps5 to have this day one it’s simply in no...

1093d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

New stuff I never tried. Outriders payed for itself and while the value is kind of where you find it atm eventually the service will simply have too many games to ignore... especially if you’re just getting back into gaming... Elder Scrolls, Starfield, Halo Infinite, Avowed, Outer Worlds 2 will just be sitting there in the Featured one day.

That IMO is when the service will truly be loved and feared no matter how you feel about it.

1133d ago 11 agree21 disagreeView comment

Literally every article released and still currently breaking says the contrary even from that link...

You right tho.

Click the link you provided...Hit Top Stories...then...More News. And the top articles are there TechRadar, MP1st, NotebookCheck, PC Gamer, WCCfTech...

It’s all there man you provided it.

1137d ago 7 agree24 disagreeView comment

There’s a few features in FidelityFX that are open source that are on the Ps5. But FSR.. is not on Ps5. Every article released the past 12 hours details this.. just google..

AMD fidelityfx super resolution Ps5

It may come down the line but not now.

1137d ago 11 agree37 disagreeView comment

There’s currently no word if AMD is adding this tech to Ps5 from most if not all sources.

This technology same as their VRS technique is another feature AMD worked closely with Microsoft to create that I just don’t see them investing in to make available everywhere day one.

1137d ago 13 agree39 disagreeView comment

Talk about a game I cherish.

To this day this tune can move tears, I hear it in my head frequently anytime anyone remotely brings up this game. An 1000/1000 that was truly a classic adventure that lives on... the turn based FF we never got.

1308d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah picking up both systems but if native 4k and fully utilizing direct x ray tracing is the difference so early in the gen. These sentiments may be shared for a majority of 3rd party games.

1308d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Lol. XsX renders native 4k and utilizes direct x hardware accelerated ray tracing for 30fps.

PlayStation ray tracing just like AC resolution has been giving baseless wording left for interviews to expose or digital foundry to detail... $5 says the Ps5 uses cheaper SRS and still can’t hit the XSX target.

1308d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

So another 1440p for 60 frames scenario..

What exactly happens to the GPU when CPU intensive tasks happen? It’s fair to say you can’t take a word from Sony at face value because if the clocks where anything like Cerny explained 1440p/60 wouldn’t be the performance mode... with no raytracing now.

1309d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment